Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Third Time's Not a Charm for Cheap Jelly Beans

Sathers Jelly Beans

Einstein is rumored to have said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results (Al didn’t say it, but it sounds cool to claim he did). I guess that makes me insane when it comes to jelly beans, since I keep buying bags of different brands in search of something different. I don’t seem to be able to find anything different, at least among the traditional half-inch variety, since they seem to be pretty much all the same. This time I tried out a bag of Sathers Jelly Beans I found hanging on a peg at the local grocer, a test for which I paid $1.50 for a 7.75-ounce bag (working out to $3.10/lb).

Sunday, June 19, 2016

More Old-Fashioned Jelly Beans (With a Good Message)

You can still find Jelly Beans in some… unusual places. Not long ago, we picked up a 9-ounce bag of more or less generic beans at our local lumberyard. Well, to call Menards a “lumberyard” is a bit of a misstatement, though they are definitely closer than Orange Hell (Home Depot) and Blue Hell (Lowes). Whatever… the beans we picked up are labeled Quality Products Jelly Beans, and they’re of the variety known as “peg candy” – you see a forest of smallish bags, all with a window so you can buy the product by sight, at lots of convenience stores and low-end groceries. They’re right next to the orange slices and the starlight mints…