Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Mike and Ike Shrink their Candy to Jelly Beans: Yummmm...

Mike and Ike Jelly Beans - Assorted Fruits

Over more years than I care to admit of my jelly bean addiction, I’ve realized that – like many things in this world – the beans come in three different categories. At the bottom of the pile are the cheap-o varieties, like the bulk beans shipped from Mexico and packaged under several different store brand names (e.g., WalMart’s Great Value beans;or the peg candy sold with the Sather label). At the top of the pile are, of course, gourmet brands like Jelly Belly and Gimbel’s – I hope to find other varieties some day.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Want People to Stop Stealing Your Jelly Beans?

Jelly Belly Bean Boozled 4th Edition

Jelly Belly Bean Boozled 4th Edition
Something like twenty years ago, back when Jelly Belly jellybeans were pretty much only available in specialty shops, my in-laws gave me a box of weird-flavored varieties. I think the release may have had something to do with the first Harry Potter book, but I may be wrong. About the only flavor I remember from that set was “snot.” Well, years later, I happened to find a “remaindered” bag of Bean Boozled 4th Edition beans, and decided to give them a try. I guess the notation on the bag that it “contains weird & wild flavors” should be considered a warning.

The 1.9-ounce bag contains ten flavor pairs – visually identical beans, one of which tastes good and the other is nasty – of which the first two are new pairs in Bean Boozled Number 4. By color, the pairs are (icky flavor first):