Monday, August 8, 2016

We Know Who Makes This Store Brand!

Kroger Private Selection Gourmet Jelly Beans

If you’re old enough to remember the “generics” craze back in the eighties, when groceries sold canned peas marked only with a bar code and the word “peas” on a plain white label, you know about store brands. They’re not new, of course – the Kenmore appliance brand at Sears has long included units made by Maytag, Frigidaire, and other well-known brands. In groceries, store brands are no longer just plain generics, now bearing hifalutin’ names like “Safeway Select.” But who makes ‘em? That’s often nearly impossible to tell, but we stumbled across not one but two store brands of “gourmet jelly beans” lately for which there is no doubt.